There are serious consequences for people who postpone treatment for hearing loss. Hearing loss should be treated like any other health problem. Many people wait too long to get hearing aids. It's better to get treatment than to wait until the hearing loss gets worse.
Hearing aids are not an indulgence, they are a necessity. They are an investment in future earning potential and quality of life. Products are available for most budgets and you really can't afford NOT to get hearing aids when you need them.
95% of people with sensorineural hearing loss can benefit from hearing aids. Your hearing professional will assist you in the rehabilitation process.
Hearing loss usually develops slowly. The person with the loss may be the last person to realize there's a problem
There is no such thing as normal hearing for your age. You have normal hearing oryou have a hearing loss.
Hearing aids now have advanced controls that stop the whistling noises often associated with older hearing aids.
Hearing aids today are smaller, more comfortable and more cosmetically appealing than ever before.
Eyeglasses don't make you a better reader. But being able to see the letters on the page may improve your reading skills over time. Hearing aids don't make you understand speech. But being able to hear the sounds of speech may improve your understanding over time.